Latest Patterns
See below for the latest ODDknit patterns.
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May 2019
This month you can improve your Hogwarts aesthetic with a quick knit quill.
- Quill Feather ( R3 )
November 2018
This jellyfish gets a very specific title because I sense further jellyfish in my future.
October 2018
I always forget how much harder it is to take good knitting photos once the clocks change. Here's the pattern on time, but the photo is temporary.
September 2018
There's a chill in the air and it is glorious. Let's celebrate the changing season.
- Maple Leaf ( F3 )
August 2018
Soon I'll stop seeing infinity symbols when I close my eyes. But not today.
- Infinity Mask ( F2 )
July 2018
I'm back!
September/October 2017
This pattern was supposed to go up in March (computer crash), then April (i was sick), then September (i tried!). Now it's finally up in October and I can get on with my life. Despite that I'm really proud of this one, I hope it's worth the wait.
August 2017
Back to the beach with a shell pattern this month. If anyone is up for a challenge help me try to figure out one with spots!
- Cowry Shell ( F3 )
July 2017
The theme for this year is "better late than never". With that in mind I've just uploaded June's pattern. [EDIT] For July proper I've updated the stripes section with some ideas about knitting codes.
- Zipped Pouch ( R3 )
May 2017
After an unplanned hiatus we're back with a seasonal flower pattern.
- Lilac Bloom ( R4 )
February 2017
Not a pattern, but a stitch I may use to make many patterns. Also it's defintely not crochet.
- Dragon Stitch ( F3 )
January 2017
Happy New Year. This month I've mostly been knitting pocket friends to go on my keys.
- Keyring Buddy ( R3 )
December 2016
It's been on the list forever, but finally I've written up the mistletoe pattern. At least one more to come this month.
November 2016
Boom. Early update. Almost left enough time to knit it before December.
- Advent Calendar ( F4 )
October 2016
Updated versions of two classic fungi patterns, along with extra instructions on how to knit a different stage in each mushroom's life cycle.
- Destroying Angel ( R3 )
- Toadstool ( R3 )
September 2016
I used quality yarn for this one. An unusual choice for me.
August 2016
Same pattern as last month, only now with 500% extra!
July 2016
This month's pattern is a bindweed leaf, stay tuned for bindweed flowers, coming soon.
June 2016
This month I wrote out a new technique (irregular double knitting) rather than do a pattern. Hope someone else tries it, I need a beta reader!
May 2016
I was going to save the bunny ears for an early Easter pattern next year, but I wanted to get up at least one pattern in good time this month.
- Rabbit Ears ( F3 )
March 2016
Happy March 32nd everyone!
February 2016
This one is a gift that I haven't given yet. If you're reading this then don't look any further mum!
January 2016
Getting the new year off to a good start with a flat-knitted hat pattern. Now if it would only get cold enough for me to wear the silly thing.
- Side-to-Side Hat ( F2 )
December 2015
Introducing the super-simple fully-adjustable Santa Hat.
November 2015
So how did everyone do? Here's my moustache...
October 2015
Arrrgh! Spider!
- House Spider ( R3 )
September 2015
For some reason I've had cookies on the brain lately.
Augustish 2015
Not exactly a pattern but it is my current project...
- Giant Yarn ( F2 )
June/July 2015
It took ages but it's a big pattern. Enjoy.
May 2015 (aka Late April)
Yeah, I know, I'll try and get a second one done soon!
Edit: Well it got done.
- Patchwork Flowers ( R3 )
- Wing Feather ( F3 )
March 2015
Everyone likes flowers (apparently) so here's a daffodil in time for Easter.
February 2015
I've been comfort knitting so this months pattern is pretty basic. Have fun with the colour varations though.
January 2015
It's a new year so I'm laying down the gauntlet (the wooly, fingerless, knitted gauntlet).
December 2014
Finally I've done it! I've done a Holly Leaf Pattern!
- Holly Leaf! ( R3 )
November 2014
Lots of people have been looking at the Christmas Decoration patterns lately so here's a new one!
- Little Star Banner ( F2 )
October 2014
Still writing up beachy patterns but throwing some halloween patterns into the mix just to be different.
- Bladder Wrack (Seaweed) ( R3 )
- Devil's Horns ( R2 )
- Tellins (Shells) ( F3 )
- Worms ( F3 )
September 2014
- Channelled Wrack (Seaweed) ( F2 )
- Crown ( R3 )
August 2014
Something different this month &ndash knitting charts.
July 2014
More beachy goodness.
June 2014
I became distracted and knitted something that's not to do with the beach. Oops.
- Rainbow Scarf ( F3 )
May 2014
Bit of a dull pattern this time, but it will be the base for more interesting things to come.
April 2014
So sue me, I'm slow to write things up sometimes. Here's the second egg pattern I promised.
EDIT: Apologies to anyone waiting for updates this month, I've been having trouble getting motivated to knit what with year end (at my real world job), Easter and craft fairs looming. Have a tinsel pattern that I've been holding in reserve, and here's to a more active May!
March 2014
What do you know, the rain did stop. The magic of knitting works. Do you think knitting Easter eggs will encorage people to give me chocolate?
February 2014
I'm trying to make spring arrive through optimism and the sympathetic magic of knitting. Every barren twig I've ever made now has a coating of blossom. Surely this will make the rain stop.
January 2014
My geode rocks.
December 2013
Fa-la-la-la-laaa La-la at laaaast
November 2013
So does this count as late for October or early for November? I guess it depends on if I get another pattern done by the end of the month.
EDIT: OK, this one definitely counts as November.
EDIT 2: There is now more than one sort of bow tie pattern available.
October 2013
A pattern up on the 1st of the month. Bet you weren't expecting that were you.
September 2013
Pattern up. Still panic knitting. Can't talk.
EDIT: A second pattern added that is very similar to the first, only a different size.
August 2013
I've done the leaf pattern I was working on last month. For the rest of the month I'll be taking a break from trees to knit something different.
- Alder Leaf ( F3 )
July 2013
The first of several July patterns. June was just to busy with Badger-watching and Supermoon-seeing and Wimbledon-going to get much done so I'm making up for it with multiple knitting updates this month!
EDIT: And a second pattern already – though this one's so small it barely counts. I'm back on track.
May 2013
This is the beginnings of a mighty library. One day I will be able to imagine any picture and knit it up at once, just by choosing the correct shapes from my list. Today is not that day. Today I've done 3 patterns.
- Flat Shapes ( F2 )
April 2013
I will publish a pattern in April.
I will publish a pattern in April.
I will publish a pattern in April.
19 minutes to go and here's an almost finished pattern for April. I will update over the next few days (of May) to finish it off and add some extras.
March 2013
This month I'm living dangerously and putting up the cockle shell pattern before I'm completely finished with it. Edits may occur over the next few days.
- Cockle Shell ( F3 )
- Whelk Shell ( R3 )
February 2013
Did you know I have to look up how to spell 'February' every single time I write it down. I am not one of natures natural spellers. This month: Carnations.
- Carnations ( F3 )
January 2013
Here is the pattern that I promised for December. Now that it's nearly halfway through January I thought it would be a bit much to post it under the heading "December". I'll use the proper date this time but then try to add a second pattern this month so it will all work out in the end.
Edit: January pattern added – I'm finally up to date!
Edit 2: A bonus fungi pattern because that last one was fun.
Edit 3: And another.
- Plain (until you decorate them) Baubles ( R3 )
- Blackening Waxcap Fungi ( R2 )
- Violet Webcap Fungi ( R2 )
- Destroying Angel Fungi ( R3 )
(Sort of) November 2012
Finally I have a hat like the one in my doodle. The world makes sense again.
October 2012
Here's the pumpkin pattern. Happy Halloween!
September 2012
So I'm attempting to find a link between my cartoon (pirates) and my pattern (apples). How about this: In the movie Pirates of the Caribbean Zombie Ship-Captain Geoffrey Rush wants nothing more than to eat an apple once he turns human ∴ apples are piratey.
August 2012
I'm starting off the month with a bonus fossil pattern that I made last month, but have only just written up. Now I'm adding the blank doll I've been talking about for weeks.
- Echinocorys Echinoid Fossil ( R3 )
- Blank Doll ( R3 )
July 2012
Anyone who has been reading the ODDknit home page is probably sick of the word "crinoid" by now, but here it is again anyway. Mwa ha ha ha. Mwa ha haaa...
June 2012
ODDknit is two years old and still going strong!
It would be great if we could claim to be clever. We could say that we used cotton thread in this month's pattern because the 2nd anniversary gift is cotton. That's just not true though, we only just looked it up. Besides it's only America that has this anniversary as cotton, in the UK the 2nd anniversary is paper – cotton was last year.
- Strawberries ( R3 )
May 2012
Quick, think of something clever to write about paint... err... err... umm... never mind.
- Paint Tube ( R3 )
- Paint Brush ( R3 )
April 2012
Congratulations to Martin and Jenny who were married on Friday! In celebration we have this knitting pattern for a special "throwing bouquet".
- Throwing Bouquet ( F2 )
March 2012
Due to popular demand we have another flower pattern this month.
February 2012
These juggling hearts were originally designed as a cover for one of those little handwarmer packs. Unfortunatly the shape didn't look as good when it was unevenly stuffed. Maybe one day we'll get around to a new "heart-warmer" design. For the pun if nothing else.
- Juggling Hearts ( R2 )
January 2012
A nice simple pattern to start the year - it's not a toy though, these pencils contain a dowel rod to keep them straight.
December 2011
Knitted christmas gifts don't have to be socks or scarves, there are all sorts of toys and decorations that can be made. This month we have a garter stictch pattern for an ancient chinese game...
November 2011
There are loads of fungi out and about at the moment, but the one we've chosen to knit is one we haven't seen. It is the prettiest though.
October 2011
Hello and happy halloween. This month a devil's tail for a quick costume solution!
- Devil's Tail ( R3 )
September 2011
Autumn has arrived and we can start wearing knitted jewellery again. These bracelets can be made with tiny scraps of yarn so they're particularly good for using up leftovers.
- Cord Bracelet ( F2 )
August 2011
This month we've been knitting fossils because we wish we were out finding the real thing.
- Trilobite ( R2 )
- Devil's Toenails ( R2 )
July 2011
As a thank you to everyone who came to the SEOS event here is the most requested pattern - the gerbera daisy. We also had requests for the trilobite and pencil patterns; we'll try to get those up soon.
- Gerbera Daisies ( R3 )
June 2011
And here's June's pattern, another leaf – enjoy!
April 2011
So Easter is coming up and it's Mother's day this weekend. When your mother collects egg cups (and you knit) that means just one thing - egg cosy time!
May 2011
Part of our new years resolution was to add some more patterns to the existing categories. In that spirit this months pattern is a leaf to go with the conkers in trees and leaves.
April 2011
So Easter is coming up and it's Mother's day this weekend. When your mother collects egg cups (and you knit) that means just one thing - egg cosy time!
(OK so there's only one pattern in the set at the moment, there will soon be more!)
March 2011
Another flower this month, largely because we felt we should start bulking up the existing categories, but also because it's spring!
February 2011
I know, I know, it's been done, but this month we couldn't resist designing our own pattern for knitted roses. Happy Valentines!
January 2011
The 12 days of Christmas may be over, but that's no reason to get rid of all the decorations. This month we have a pattern for some cute baby bunting to drape around the house.
- Baby Bunting ( F3 )
December 2010
This month we have a set of patterns with a Christmas theme.
November 2010
For the last few patterns we've been having fun with spheres. Next time, just to change things up a bit, it might be a rectangle!
September & October 2010
To make up for the lack of patterns in September we're releasing several this month!
- Torc Necklace ( R3 )
- Conker and Husk ( R3 )
- Little Ball ( R2 )
August 2010
I really struggled writing up this months pattern, not least in trying to decide what level to give it. In the end I rated it R1 because the actual knitting is really easy, but be warned - the sewing up can get tricky.
July 2010
A nice easy pattern this month, one that can be knitted in the long summer evenings and played with during the day!
- Juggling Sacks ( R1 )
June 2010
In the future we are planning to add 1 pattern a month to the site but in order to get us off to a good start here is a nice big batch...
- Belemnite Fossil ( R2 )
- Hearts Banner ( F1 )
- Ammonite Fossil ( R3 )
- Twirly Decoration ( F1 )
- Beaded Bracelet ( R3 )
- Lace Snowflakes ( R4 )
- Knitted Paper Chains ( F1 )
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