Frog (R3)

This pattern is based on the Marsh Frog because it's the one I'm most familiar with. Technically it should have some dark spots and a lighter underbelly, but I wanted to keep the pattern one colour for simplicity.
A printable version of this pattern is available.
You will need:
- green yarn (dk weight)
- toy stuffing
- 2 x 6-8mm beads (optional)
- 4 x double ended needles (3mm)
- tapestry needle
- scissors
(A list of abbreviations is available.)
Front Leg – Right
Knit the foot as follows, working in the flat.
- Step 1: cast on 4, cast off 2, turn/
- Step 2: p1, cast on 5, cast off 3, k1, turn/
- Step 3: p2, cast on 5, cast off 4, k4 (5)
- Step 4: p5, cast on 4, cast off 8 (1)
Without turning pick up and knit 3 more stitches across the base of the foot. Turn.
- Row 1: p4, cast on 2 (6)
Join into the round and work as follows, keeping the purl stitches on the outside.
- Rounds 2-6: p –
- Rounds 7-9: p5, turn/ k3, turn/ p4
- Rounds 10-11: p –
- Round 12: p3, pfb, p2
- Rounds 13-14: p –
- Round 15: p3, pfb, p3
- Round 16: p2, turn/ k4, turn/ p10
Place a tiny bit of stuffing in the opening.
Arrange the stitches so that the first half of the round is on one needle and the second half on another. Kitchener stitch the two sides together.
Front Leg – Left
Cast off p-wise when working the left feet.
- Step 1: cast on 4, cast off 2, turn/
- Step 2: k1, cast on 5, cast off 3, p1, turn/
- Step 3: k2, cast on 5, cast off 4, p4 (5)
- Step 4: k5, cast on 4, cast off 8 (1)
Without turning pick up and purl 3 more stitches across the base of the foot.
Cast on 2.
Join into the round and work as follows, keeping the purl stitches on the outside.
- Rounds 1-6: p –
- Round 7-9: p2, turn/ k3, turn/ p7
- Round 10-11: p –
- Round 12: p5, pfb
- Round 13-14: p –
- Round 15: p6, pfb
- Round 16: p6, turn/ k4, turn/ p6
Place a tiny bit of stuffing in the opening and close using Kitchener stitch as for the right side instructions.
Back Leg – Right
Knit the foot, working in the flat.
- Step 1: cast on 5, cast off 2, turn/
- Step 2: p1, cast on 4, cast off 3, turn/
- Step 3: p1, cast on 5, cast off 3, k5 (6)
- Step 4: p6, cast on 5, cast off 5, k3, turn/
- Step 5: p4, cast on 4, cast off 9 (1)
Without turning pick up and knit 3 more stitches across the base of the foot. Turn.
- Row 1: p4, cast on 2 (6)
Join into the round and work as follows, keeping the purl stitches on the outside.
- Rounds 2-8: p –
- Rounds 9-11: p5, turn/ k3, turn/ p4
- Rounds 12-14: p –
- Round 15: p3, pfb, p2 (7)
- Rounds 16-18: p –
- Round 19: p3, pfb, p3 (8)
- Rounds 20-23: p –
Place a tiny bit of stuffing in the opening.
- Rounds 24-26: p2, turn/ k4, turn/ p10
- Round 27: p –
- Round 28: p2, pfb, p1, pfb, p3 (10)
- Rounds 29-30: p –
- Round 31: p3, pfb, p1, pfb, p4 (12)
- Rounds 32-33: p –
- Round 34: p4, pfb, p1, pfb, p5 (14)
- Rounds 35-36: p –
- Round 37: p12, turn/ k10, turn/ p8, turn/ k10
Loosely stuff the top of the leg and close using Kitchener stitch.
Back Leg – Left
Cast off p-wise when working the left feet.
- Step 1: cast on 5, cast off 2, turn/
- Step 2: k1, cast on 4, cast off 3, turn/
- Step 3: k1, cast on 5, cast off 3, p5 (6)
- Step 4: k6, cast on 5, cast off 5, p3, turn/
- Step 5: k4, cast on 4, cast off 9 (1)
Without turning pick up and purl 3 more stitches across the base of the foot.
Cast on 2.
Join into the round and work as follows, keeping the purl stitches on the outside.
- Rounds 1-8: p –
- Rounds 9-11: p2, turn/ k3, turn/ p7
- Rounds 12-14: p –
- Round 15: p5, pfb (7)
- Rounds 16-18: p –
- Round 19: p6, pfb (8)
- Rounds 20-23: p –
Place a tiny bit of stuffing in the opening.
- Rounds 24-26: p6, turn/ k4, turn/ p6
- Round 27: p –
- Round 28: pfb, p5, pfb, p1 (10)
- Rounds 29-30: p –
- Round 31: pfb, p7, pfb, p1 (12)
- Rounds 32-33: p –
- Round 34: pfb, p9, pfb, p1 (14)
- Rounds 35-36: p –
- Round 37: p6, turn/ k12, turn/ p10, turn/ k8, turn/ p4
Loosely stuff the top of the leg and close using Kitchener stitch.
Cast on 6 sts and join into the round.
- Round 1: p –
- Round 2: [pfb x 2, p1] x 2 (10)
- Round 3: p –
- Round 4: [pfb, p2, pfb, p1] x 2 (14)
- Round 5: p –
- Round 6: [pfb, p4, pfb, p1] x 2 (18)
- Round 7: p2, k1, p3, k1, p11
- Round 8: pfb, p1, k1, p3, k1, pfb, p1, pfb, p6, pfb, p1 (22)
- Round 9: [p3, k1] x 2, p14
- Round 10: p3, k1, pfb x 2, p1, k1, p3, pfb, p8, pfb, p1 (26)
- Round 11: p3, k1, p5, k1, p16
- Round 12: pfb, p2, k1, p5, k1, p1, pfb, p1, pfb, p10, pfb, p1 (30)
- Round 13: p4, k1, p5, k1, p19
- Round 14: pfb, p3, k1, p5, k1, p2, pfb, p1, pfb, p12, pfb, p1 (34)
- Round 15: p5, k1, p5, k1, p22
- Round 16: pfb, p4, k1, p5, k1, p3, pfb, p1, pfb, p14, pfb, p1 (38)
- Rounds 17-19: p6, k1, p5, k1, p25
- Round 20: p2tog, p4, k1, p5, k1, p3, p2tog, p1, p2tog, p14, p2tog, p1 (34)
- Rounds 21-22: p5, k1, p5, k1, p22
- Round 23: p2tog, p3, k1, p5, k1, p2, p2tog, p1, p2tog, p12, p2tog, p1 (30)
- Rounds 24-25: p4, k1, p5, k1, p19
- Round 26: p2tog, p2, k1, p5, k1, p1, p2tog, p1, p2tog, p10, p2tog, p1 (26)
- Round 27: p3, k1, p5, k1, p16
- Round 28: p3, k1, p5, k1, p3, p2tog, p8, p2tog, p1 (24)
- Round 29: p3, k1, p5, k1, p14
- Round 30: p3, k1, p5, k1, p3, p2tog, p6, p2tog, p1 (22)
- Round 31: p3, k1, p5, k1, p3, k1, p7, k1
In round 32 each EYE is worked as follows on the same single stitch:
kfbf, turn/
pfb, pfb, p1, turn/
k5, turn/
p2tog, p2tog, p1, turn/
s1, k2tog, psso
- Round 32: p3, EYE, p5, EYE, p3, k1, p7, k1 (22)
- Round 33: p3, ybck, sl1, yfwd, p2tog x 2, p1, ybck, sl1, yfwd, p3, k1, p1, p2tog x 2, p2, k1
- Round 34: p11, k1, p5, k1 (18)
- Round 35: p2tog, p6, p2tog, p1, k1, p5, k1 (16)
- Round 36: p9, k1, p5, k1
- Round 37: p2, p2tog x 2, p3, k1, p5, k1 (14)
- Round 38: p2tog, p2, p2tog, p1, k1, p2tog x 2, p1, k1 (10)
Stuff the body loosely and cut the yarn leaving a good tail of yarn.
Thread the tail of yarn through the next 5 sts and use it to gather them together. Cast off the last 5 sts k-wise.
Making Up:

Tuck the yarn-through stitches inside the cast-off stitches to finish off the body and form the nose/mouth of the frog. Sew into place.
Sew the legs to the body making sure you're attaching them the right way around. The knitted joints should lay naturally in one direction so match up the knitted pieces to the picture.
Viewed from the side the front legs are attached lower on the body than the hind legs. Try for a position just below the line of the mouth for the front legs with the back legs more centred.
Hide any remaining loose ends.
Needle/Yarn Size
As with most ODDknit patterns the yarn and needle sizes in the "you will need" section are just a guide. Feel free to improvise with whatever needles and yarn you have lying around - that's half the fun!
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