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Worm (F3)

knitted worm

The worm is made of wrapped i-cord body with a stocking stitch bump.

A printable version of this pattern is available.

You will need:

  • pink yarn scraps
  • 2 x double ended knitting needles (3mm)
  • tapestry needle
  • scissors



  • Cast on 3 sts and i-cord two rows (in regular i-cord the yarn goes across the back of the knitting).
yarn position for i-cord
  • Wrap the yarn clockwise around the tube of knitting before i-cording each of the next fourteen rows.
yarn position for wrapped i-cord
  • I-cord five rows without wrapping.
  • Work the wrapped i-cord row seven times.
  • Cut yarn and thread through remaining sts.


  • Cast on 4 sts.
  • Stocking stitch (alternate purl and knit rows) for five rows, starting with a purl row.
  • Cast off 4 sts.

Making Up:

Wrap the knitted clitellum around the bare patch of i-cord so that the sides almost meet (it is a tight fit). Sew the sides together. Lose any remaining loose ends.


If you follow the home page of this site you'll probably know I've been talking about worm dipping for at least 2 years. I've been trying to perfect a technique where I dunk the body of the worm in a dye that gives a subtle gradiant of colours, lightening towards the tips. The clitellum goes on afterwards for contrast.

dip dyed worms


Needle/Yarn Size

As with most ODDknit patterns the yarn and needle sizes in the "you will need" section are just a guide. Feel free to improvise with whatever needles and yarn you have lying around - that's half the fun!