Geode (R3)

A knitted geode, filled with the sparkliest, shiniest beads available.
A printable version of this pattern is available.
You will need:
- double knit in greys and gem-colours
- seed beads
- thin gem coloured yarn/thread*
- 4 x double ended knitting needles (3mm)
- tapestry needle
- bead needle
- scissors
* The yarn/thread should be thin enough that the seed beads can be threaded onto it, but thick enough and strong enough to knit easily. I use either 4-ply yarn and 4mm seed beads or cotton thread and 2mm beads.
Cast on 5 stitches, divide them between three needles and join them into the round.
(A list of abbreviations is available.)
- Round 1: [kfb] x 5 (10)
- Round 2: [kfb, k1] x 5 (15)
- Round 3: [k2, kfb] x 5 (20)
- Round 4: [k1, kfb, k2] x 5 (25)
- Round 5: k –
- Round 6: [k3, kfb, k1] x 5 (30)
- Round 7: [kfb, k5] x 5 (35)
- Round 8: k –
- Round 9: [k3, kfb, k3] x 5 (40)
- Round 10: k –
- Round 11: [k7, kfb] x 5 (45)
- Round 12: k –
- Round 13: [k2, kfb, k6] x 5 (50)
Knit 6 rounds straight and cast off.
Cast on 47sts in grey double knit and join into the round. Knit two rounds straight. Cast off.
Cast on 44sts in a contrasting colour. Join into the round and work two rows straight. Cast off.
- Round 1: [kfb] x 5 (10)
- Round 2: [kfb, k1] x 5 (15)
- Round 3: [k2, kfb] x 5 (20)
- Round 4: [k1, kfb, k2] x 5 (25)
- Round 5: k –
- Round 6: [k3, kfb, k1] x 5 (30)
- Round 7: [kfb, k5] x 5 (35)
- Round 8: k –
- Round 9: [k3, kfb, k3] x 5 (40)
Knit 5 rounds straight and cast off.
Thread 435 (ish) beads onto the slimmer yarn/thread. Cast on 5sts to trap the beads on the string. Work through the inside pattern again, but every time you knit a stitch (so twice in a kfb) push one of the seed beads up next to the needle so that it becomes trapped in place when you wrap the yarn around. If you can bear it go wrong a little, the result will look more natural.
Making Up:
Arrange the outside and edge parts of the geode so that the reverse side of the stocking stitch is outermost. Run a thread inward just under the cast-offs of the outside piece, then just under the cast-offs of the first edge piece, then under the cast-offs of the second edge piece. Run the thread back to the outside (see diagram). Continue working back and forth to bind the pieces together. The cast-offs are pressed together to make the flat edge of a cut geode.

Arrange the two inside pieces (one beaded, one not) so that beads are showing on the concave side. Sew the cast-off edges together as for the outside pieces. If you used large beads the inner piece may wrinkle and bulge. Trust me, it looks good. Just like a geode.
Tack inside pieces to the fabric of the innermost edge piece. Lose any remaining loose ends.
Choosing Colours
Geodes come in all sorts of colours so pretty much anything goes. The edge pieces can be done in subtly graduated colours, or contrasting colours or matching colours. One recommendation for added twinkle. Pick gem coloured beads, yarn/thread and double knit that are all of a similar hue but aim to make the double knit and thread a shade darker. I wish I'd done more of my practice geodes with this in mind because it would have made them photograph better!

Needle/Yarn Size
As with most ODDknit patterns the yarn and needle sizes in the "you will need" section are just a guide. Feel free to improvise with whatever needles and yarn you have lying around - that's half the fun!
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