tulips knitting pattern carnations knitting pattern daffodil knitting pattern gerberas knitting pattern lilac knitting pattern knitting pattern for pansies

Roses (R3)

long stem rose with five petals

This knitted rose is based around a central bud. Petals are built up in alternating sets of two and three, then a stem is added. The finished rose contains a length of wire in the stem, and is therefore not suitable as a toy for children.

A printable version of this pattern is available.

You will need:

  • yarn leftovers in reds and green (double knit)
  • toy stuffing
  • covered wire
  • gummed tape
  • 4 x double ended knitting needles (2.75mm)
  • tapestry needle
  • scissors
  • wire cutters
  • poking device


(A list of abbreviations is available.)

Stem and Sepals

Cast on 5 stitches in green. I-cord between 16 - 20cm to form the stem.

Separate the 5sts onto three needles. Work the next steps in the round.

  1. Round 1: [kfb] x 5 (10)
  2. Round 2: k –
  3. Round 3: [kfb, k1] x 5 (15)
  4. Round 4: k –
  5. Round 5: [kfb, k2] x 5 (20)
  6. Round 6: k –

At this point we will separate the stem into 5 sepals. Work the following in the flat, on the next 4sts.

  1. Row 7: k2tog, k2
  2. Row 8: p3
  3. Row 9: k2tog, k1
  4. Round 16: p2
  5. Round 17: k2

Cut the yarn, thread through remaining stitches and pull tight.

Rejoin the yarn and repeat Rows 7-11 four more times until no stitches remain.


Cast on 5sts in red and join into the round.

  1. Round 1: [kfb] x 5 (10)
  2. Round 2: [kfb, k1] x 5 (15)
  3. Round 3: k –
  4. Round 4: [kfb, k2] x 5 (20)
  5. Round 5: k – *
  6. Round 6: k –
  7. Rounds 7-20: k to the last 2sts, p2tog (6)

Poke a small amount of stuffing into the belly of the rosebud (not too much, the stuffing should not show from the open end).

Cast off remaining stitches.

Double Petal

Word as Rosebud to *

  1. Round 6: [kfb, k3] x 5 (25)
  2. Round 7: k –

At this point the petals separate.

  1. Row 8: k12, turn.
  2. **
  3. Row 9: p –
  4. Row 10: kfb, k9, kfb, k1 (14)

Work 9 rows stocking stitch.

  1. Row 20: k2tog, k10, k2togtbl (12)
  2. Row 21: p –
  3. Row 22: k2tog, k8, k2togtbl (10)
  4. Row 23: p –
  5. Row 24: k2tog, k6, k2togtbl (8)
  6. Row 25: p2tog, p4, p2tog (6)

Cut the yarn, thread through remaining stitches. Pull each loop tight for a neat edge.***

Reattach yarn at start of remaining stitches. K2tog, k11 and then continue from row 9 to make second petal.

Triple Petal

Word as Rosebud to *

At this point the petals separate. The first petal is worked as follows:

  1. Row 6:kfb, k3, kfb, k1 (8)
  2. Row 7: p –
  3. Row 8: kfb, kfb, k3, kfb, kfb, k1 (12)

Work as Double Petal from ** to ***

Reattach yarn at start of remaining stitches.

Begin the next petal by working k5, kfb, k1 then continue from row 7 of this pattern.

When there are three petals the pattern is complete.

Making Up:

Attach the base of the rosebud to the base of the triple petal with a couple of stitches. Shape the petals into a spiral by sewing approximately two thirds (from the base) of one side of each petal to the bud.

Diagram showing arrangement of triple petal and rosebud.

Sew around one third of the remaining side of each petal to the neighbouring petal.

Attach the base of the triple petal to the base of the double petal with a couple of stitches. Sew around one third (from the base) of each side of each petal to the triple petal. Sew in any remaining loose ends.

Cut a piece of wire the same length as the stem and cover each end with the gummed tape. Insert this into the i-cord stem. Attach the sepals to the rose at around their midpoint. Sew in any remaining yarn ends.


Attach fewer sets of petals for a tighter rose bud, or use more sets of petals for an open rose. Always alternating a double petal with a triple petal as rose petals usually come in multiples of five.


Needle/Yarn Size

As with most ODDknit patterns the yarn and needle sizes in the "you will need" section are just a guide. Feel free to improvise with whatever needles and yarn you have lying around - that's half the fun!