knitting pattern for DIY fingerless mittens knitting pattern for a bag-bag a knitting pattern for daffodils a knitting pattern for patchwork flowers knitting pattern for a wing feather a knitting pattern for cupcakes a knitting pattern for giant yarn a knitting pattern for cookies knitting pattern for a house spider knitting pattern for a moustache knitting pattern for a super simple santa hat/>

January 2016

Resolutions everyone?

resolution: sew much

This year I'm going for the standard “do more of that thing you don't like but should really do more of”. In my case that means more finishing off and sewing in. I REALLY hate sewing in and have multiple projects that are done and ready for photographing – all but for those loose ends, the bastards.

Also more writing about it etc which can't really be surprising as I had quite a bad year for that in 2015.


Sew Much More

Three more geeky hat grids have been drawn up and added to my tumblr, even though the photo contains damning evidence that I am already failing at my New Year's Resolution. It shouldn't be this hard. Finish a thing, then sew the ends in. For some reason I chose to spend the entirety of January knitting things with an unprecedented numbers of loose ends, but that's not the point. I hope to report better progress next month.

Ironically the resolution I didn't announce to large numbers of people on the internet in going great. I'm not going to curse it just yet, but hopefully it will involve the promised updates to the design section by the end of next month.

Still enjoying my nerd hat...

poe hat


Target Achieved. More Planned.

Well I have drawn up the chart for that one hat I sketched below. You can see the final thing here, on my tumblr, if you're interested. Other versions are still in the works but I'm trying to do other, more productive, things as well.

Firstly I'm working on chapters for my sadly neglected design section. Making the side-to-side hat reminded me of all the fun I had coming up with my sphere knitting formula so I plan to write that up, only it makes more sense if I write up the flat circle formula first, and everything gets much simpler if I write a bit about size ratios so... yeah. There will be much updating of the design section but it's proving to be a lot of (enjoyable) work.

Secondly I'm trying once again to get ahead of myself and have next months pattern ready to go. Ha! Like that ever works out for me. Seriously though I'm doing my best.


The Loopy Hat Plan

A few days ago I published the Side-to-Side Hat pattern. Just like my ODDknit Hat it's designed so that simple colour changes (i.e. end of row) will give interesting stripes (i.e. not horizontal).

I also had a cunning plan. Certain headgear designs in a certain sci-fi film series have a lot of parallel colour changes across the dome. I've spent the last couple of weeks knitting some extremely geeky hats. If it helps, the current one looks a bit like this...

mystery hat

I'll draw out the charts by the end of the month.

After that, if I'm not bored of knitting the exact same thing repeatedly, I might do a quick rainbow hat. I mean the hat forms itself into semi-circular stripes along the sides, I've got to at least think about it.

rainbow hat


Technical Difficulties

If you've been on the blog over the past couple of days you might have seen (depending on the browser) some really weird formatting. I'm not sure what happened but I seem to have fixed it by deleting the headers and then typing them up again. Exactly the same.

Love computers!


The Year in Review

Not many big changes for me life-wise in 2015. I'm still working happily as a spreadsheet gremlin while simultaneously doing my best to win the lottery. Lots of good food was cooked and eaten – especially in the past couple of weeks. I saw Star Wars.

Last year I wrote up 11 patterns. Looking through them (on the left – they're this month's thumbnails) it's a nice range from very easy to lots of work. I think the Daffodil is my favourite. It was, of course, the absolute most work.