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June/July 2015

In June 2010 I finally got around to uploading some of my patterns onto the interwebs. Five years later I'm still here and going strong. Woop!

5 Today

Still not sure what I'm doing to celebrate. Stay tuned.


I'm Melting

So it seems I accidentally celebrated my 5 year anniversary by taking some time off. Not what I had in mind but it has been rather lovely! In a way it's appropriate, my theme this month was meant to be celebration and I have been to a lot of celebrations. I celebrated my friend Ali's (Hi Ali!) Hen Party with chocolates on the London Eye, we took my Grandad (Hi Grandad!) out for a roast dinner on Father's Day, and finally this past week was my Dad's birthday. We celebrated that with courgetti, which is vastly more fun than it sounds.

You'll notice there was a lot of food involved in these celebrations. I'm sticking with the theme and am close to finishing my cupcake pattern. There will be a slight delay as England is currently experiencing it's hottest weather for 7 years and I'm reluctant to touch air let alone knitting materials.

Instead I'm eating a cupcake. For inspiration.


Throwback Time

ODDknit Party

Let's start with a flashback to my very first cartoon sketch. I think then cartoon me looks a lot more nervous and frazelled than now cartoon me. Which is good. Cartoon me has improved in confidence!

Continuing the theme you can see thumbnails of my very first set of patterns above to the left. They're looking pretty good actually, and include some of my most popular designs. Well done past me. Good job.