daffodil knitting pattern roses knitting pattern carnations knitting pattern knitting pattern for pansies tulips knitting pattern gerberas knitting pattern knitting pattern for a throwing bouquet

April 2015

I started out with an air plant then, slowly, I aquired a moss ball, a dragon plant, a money tree, geraniums, more air plants...


For someone with a small flat and no garden I'm getting quite the collection. Don't be surprised if pot plant knitting patterns start to appear. On the other hand I actually have pot plants, so it's one thing I don't need to knit for myself.


I Take It Back

I have never regretted any blog post so much as I do the one for 27th April. Yes the pattern for my patchwork flowers was easy to work out but as soon as I said so it all went horribly wrong. I decided I needed to do it in more than one colour to show off the design, then those colours were impossible to photograph, then the writing of the pattern in such a way that other people could understand it turned out to be... time consuming. Still not sure I've got it right but it's come to the point where I just need to post and move on with my life.

So. Flower Blanket.


A Short Delay

The April pattern is going to be a few days late. Sorry about the delay and hopefully it will be worth the wait!


A Blanket of Flowers

It's been a dry and mild spring for the past few weeks. The bluebells are just coming through and the wood anemones are just dying back, meanwhile there is still a lot of blossom on the trees. It's also been an unproductive few weeks on the knitting front. I've got lots of big projects on the go but haven't really settled into designing one thing yet. On the plus side I have had time to browse a lot of other knitting/crochet blogs.

Those three things combined into one of the quickest and easiest pattern idea-to-completion processes I've ever had. It started something like this...

  1. Must knit something.
  2. Little flowers everywhere! Almost touching!
  3. Ooh, granny square blankets.
  4. What about knitting little flower granny squares!

The granny square idea kind of got dropped but I did jump straight in to trying out ideas for tessellating flowers. As you can see in the picture below my first couple of attempts were done in beige. It's actually more usual than not for me to knit things in inappropriate colours for the first couple of drafts. Sometimes it's necessity (I don't have any other colours with me), sometimes it's laziness (I have the correct colour, but it's over there) and sometimes it's frugality (let's try it on the cheap wool first). It's only when I know in advance that I want to upload progress shots that I make any effort at all to pick appropriate “working out” colours.

Test Flowers

Anyway, my fourth attempt at petals went well so I jumped straight in to full-on carried away mode...

Blanket Flowers

Now I just have to weave in the ends. Sigh.


What What What

What am I going to knit this month? I'm not sure yet. I have serveral vague ideas but no real plans. More flowers perhaps? I've been meaning to do a knitted feather for a while now. Or perhaps something simple because I'm feeling unmotivated...