simple hearts banner pattern simple twirly decoration pattern knitted paper-chain pattern

December 2011

Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy...

twas the knit before xmas

Less than a month to go now, and if you're knitting your christmas gifts this year, it's the final stretch. What are you doing reading this? Get those needles out! Go, go, GO!

November 2011

It's not Christmas yet. Nope. No Where Near. No matter what the shops and adverts and magazines seem to think.

remember to start christmas knitting

The trouble is we do need to start knitting for Christmas if we want to get everything finished, so here's our cunning plan: Red cone shaped hats are perfectly practical autumn wear – they won't become Santa hats until someone adds a pop-pom. We're going to knit plenty of decorative balls and large socks – in December they'll be magically transformed into bauballs and stockings.

October 2011

This month designing a pattern has been a little more challenging than usual. The reason - we've been away from home with only one (red) ball of wool to knit with.

designing a pattern that only uses red

Finding a seasonal pattern that uses only one colour is not as easy as you'd think. Autumn leaves are red - but are they that red? Autumn fruit has stalks of a different colour. Bags and blankets can be any colour, but somehow that felt like cheating.

In the end we went with a devil's tail. Attach it to the waistband of some trousers for a quick halloween costume!

September 2011

September means Autumn, and Autumn means knitwear season is here again.

knitwear season is here again

There haven't been any days cold enough to wear scarves and hats yet, but we have all the knitwear out the cupboard, washed and ready. As soon as the temperature drops the gloves will go on!

August 2011

School's out and it feels like the whole world is off on holiday.

holiday knit nacks

But not us (not yet) were still at home, at work and attempting to knit in a heatwave. But if we can't be fossil hunting at the seaside we can at least make our own souvenir knit-nacs.

July 2011

Thank You to everyone who came to visit last month, it was lovely to meet you.

thank you

As requested I have uploaded the gerbera daisy pattern. Unfortunately cameras doesn't like the colour of the wool used to knit the flower (it's just too pink for them) so the picture is black and white until we can knit more flowers in different colour combinations.