baby bunting knitting pattern simple hearts banner pattern simple twirly decoration pattern knitted paper-chain pattern

June 2012

We're cutting it a bit close this month, only 28 minutes left in June.

There's no cartoon either, mostly because we left it too late, but partly because the only pun we could think of was something to do with "knot the olympic games" and that would only get us in trouble.

So we're not even going to mention the "O" word. Instead we're going to welcome the start of Wimbledon with a pattern for strawberries, remember the fabulous outfits at Ascot and how they inspired our egg cosies, and try to think of a knitting pattern that's vaguely to do with the Henley Regatta (bunting perhaps).

May 2012

Here at ODDknit we really, really love knitting (obviously), but now and again it's sort of nice to take the day off.


Over the next few weeks we're looking forward to visiting some Open Studios. ODDknit's not taking part this year, so we get to have a good look round ourselves for the first time. Woo hoo!

(Check out pages 62 and 95 of the SEOS booklet – some ODDknits managed to sneak their way in!)

April 2012

Another busy month is almost over so, depending on who's reading this, happy easter, happy birthday, congratulations and/or the toffee one is almost as good.

alternative egg cosy use no. 2

At the moment we're trying to come up with exciting new knitting projects. If there is anything you would like to see a knitted version of why not drop us an email!

March 2012

And we're back. Our fourth power-cord in two years has arrived and the computer is turn-on-able again.

by the power of electric

It was exciting to learn that last Sunday we nearly doubled our record for number of site visitors in a single day - thanks for looking everyone!

February 2012

When you've got lots of knitting to do it's easy to go a bit stir crazy.

knit where

This month we've been making an effort to get out and about, knitting on buses, trains and every coffee shop from London to the south coast (well OK, not that many). The downside to coffee shops is the vast amount of hot chocolate we've been consuming. With cream. Sometimes with sprinkles. Mmmm...

I'm just popping out for a knit.

January 2012

Happy New Year! How are those resolutions going?


Looking back at the resolutions we made last year (knit ULTIMATE scarf, bulk up gallery content, update every month) we have to admit that we completely failed in all of them except the monthly update. Bad us. It does make thinking up this years' resolutions easier though: We're going to knit the ULTIMATE scarf and bulk up the content in the gallery!