simple twirly decoration pattern knitted paper-chain pattern

June 2011

It's Open Studios Month!

don't panic

Isn't it strange how frantic speed knitting takes almost exactly the same amount of time as relaxed, tv watching, knitting...

I've spent the past month knocking up flowers and leaves and paint tubes for the SEOS event and I'm still not ready. Due to this last minute panic I won't be uploading this months free pattern until some time next week, thanks for your patience!

May 2011

It's hard to believe, but May is already upon us.

stitch in time

This means that the open studios event is just one month away and the preview shows are starting soon. Cue frantic speed knitting!

April 2011

This month is the month of the egg cosy. We've been having great fun knitting them and don't want to stop any time soon.

alternative use for egg cosies no. 1

Actually we've been having so much fun that egg cosies have rather taken over the house. Some are being used as cotton reel covers (hey, it makes just as much sense as toilet roll covers), one is my new mobile phone cover, and several more have been turned upside down to hold chocolate eggs. Mostly though, they're being used as cuddly-monkey hats.

March 2011

We have just heard that one of the best local yarn shops is shutting down. Of course in the long term this is very sad. In the short term however it means YARN SALE!!! - Bwahahahaa Bwahaha!!

the yarn sale monster has been unleashed

Okay so we got a little carried away; pushing little old ladies out of the way and wrestling the last of the cotton 4-ply from an unsuspecting textiles student (not really). Goodbye C&H Maidstone you will be missed.

February 2011

Roses are red
Or pink or blue,
It all depends
On the yarn you use...

hippy valentines

January 2011

Happy New Year! It's time to make the resolutions again (if you haven't broken them already, we are 7 days in after all).

I resolve to knit the ULTIMATE scarf

My personal goal is to knit the ULTIMATE scarf by next winter. It will be big and fluffy and soft - yet also pack away into a single pocket. It will show up in the dark, with bright stripes, shiny beads and glow in the dark embroidery. It will have tassels.

I like tassels.

Of course here at ODDknit we have other resolutions, such as to update every month and bulk up the content in the gallery. Unfortunately these resolutions were harder to draw a cartoon of.