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August 2013

Either the weather has become so hot it's melting my keys or knitting has given me super strength in my right hand.

captain needles

Yesterday I almost broke my key off in the front door. It ripped itself at the place where it goes into the lock. I'm quite proud of the fact that I didn't panic, just went and bought an excessive quantity of Chinese food (I comfort eat) and tried again with the almost broken key. I was really careful not to rip it any further, woggling and twisting gently. After a few minutes I tried casually forcing the door with my shoulder and twisting gently, kicking as close to the handle as I could reach and twisting gently. Finally I got the door open.

Today I went and got a new key cut. On arriving home I put it in the lock, twisted and... seriously, how does this happen twice in two days if I haven't developed super strength?

A further round of woggling and jiggling and kicking with key number two and I'm inside again, eating Chinese leftovers and waiting for a locksmith to come rescue me.


Can't Talk. Knitting.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm taking part in an exhibition and the pictures need to be delivered this Sunday. Panic knitting!!

In other news I've finished the big beetle for playing beetle with. Now I just need to write up the pattern.

Beetle in the Garden

In other other news I have new shoes. These ones are especially fabulous because they're transparent and show off my snazzy sock combinations.

Boots in the Garden

Maybe I'll be inspired to make socks now.



I don't think I've ever bought Velcro new before. I've certainly used it, but that must have been family Velcro or inherited Velcro because when I did pick some up in the supermarket I bought it home and saw this...

Wow, Velcro

The rolls of Velcro are held down by little bits of other Velcro! Is that not the cleverest thing you've ever seen!!!

OK, maybe not, but this is honestly how I felt about it for a good half-hour afterwards. It still pleases me immensely.

In other news I've made the body, thorax and head of a 3D beetle. They've all come out about 50% bigger than I was expecting – so about 20cm at the moment. I'm not sure if I'm going to finish the bug this size, or start again.

Big Bug


Just Pick One

I started knitting a chess board, but that's going to take weeks. In the mean time I'm going to knit a beetle for playing Beetle.

I'm not exactly sure how widespread the party game Beetle is, but I definitely played it as a kid and I hope you did too. I went to a Beetle Drive with my Brownie Pack and we had a plastic set (something like this) to play with at home. I now find the plastic set upsetting because the beetles look like ants. Ants are not beetles. It's confusing and wrong.

I'm going to knit a beetle that actually looks like a beetle and can be used to play beetle.

There will need to be six different parts, each assigned a number. The beetle will be easy to disassemble and reassemble (I'm thinking Velcro).

Here is my extremely technical diagram of the beetle I plan to knit.

Technical Diagram of Beetle Design

I'm not sure yet if I'll make a flat beetle (which would be easier to knit) or a 3D beetle (which would be squishier).


I Need A Cunning Plan

I'm having a problem deciding what to knit. It's not because I can't think of ideas. It's because I've thought of too many ideas and need to narrow them down a bit.

I've chosen to knit something for the toys and games section. Mostly because I haven't done anything for it in a while. Here's my brainstorm of knitted game ideas.

Brainstorm of Game Ideas

So much to knit so little time. Isn't that always the way.



The damage is less impressive now I've bent them back into shape, but you can still see the rips.

Broken Keys

Should I use my new superpowers for evil or to fight crime?