a knitting pattern for alder leaves a free knitting pattern for daffodils a knitting pattern for blossom

October 2016

Ever feel like a triangle in a world of rounds? I'm sure everyone does somewhen, but I'm having a particularly angular time at the moment.

Triangle in a world of circles

So let's embrace the odd in ODDknit and get on with something weird.


Review and Refine

I started this month intending to add a pattern to my small fungi collection, but looking back at the ones I've already done I noticed a couple of the pictures were kinda out of focus. I figured I would quickly re-do the photos, only I couldn't find the original mushrooms. Then I was going to quickly re-knit the mushrooms, only I kept thinking of changes I wanted to make.

Long story short (too late!), I've rewritten the patterns for the destroying angel and toadstool, added in secondary patterns for different stages in the mushroom life cycle and taken slightly less blurry pictures of them. The original patterns will still be available via a pdf link but the main pages will show the updated version.

Original Original New New


Font of Me

Today I made my handwriting into a font, so if the text in the cartoons is suddenly harder to read, you know why.

My Font.