a knitting pattern for alder leaves a free knitting pattern for daffodils a knitting pattern for blossom

August 2016

To knit, or not to knit? If I do then what to knit?

In a Bind (-off)

I'm conflicted. I've been really enjoying knitting a scarf pattern that I made up, but that is neither weather appropriate nor getting the pattern of the month up and published. On the other hand I am really enjoying it.


Bindweed Backstory

Well it would be really silly to design a cartoon with the specific aim of punning on my current project and then not talk about my current project... which is exactly what I've been doing.

Real Bindweed

Every weekday I walk to work down a long road that boarders houses, fields, factories and all-sorts. The plant I see the most of? Well, grass probably, but bindweed is a close second.

Bindweed gets everywhere. There's the pretty pink-tinged field bindweed and the bigger, brasher hedge bindweed. Hedge bindweed is also known as granny-pop-out-of-bed for the way that the flowers spring off the stems when you squeeze them just right. Sadly my version's not going to do that, though I did put serious time into trying to design a mechanism.

I wrote up the big leaf pattern for my bindweed project last month. To be honest it's not that interesting on it's own. Since then I've knitted another dozen leaves, some smaller leaves, a flower, a bud and a stem. See, I've been knitting, I've just been really bad about writing it up, it's like art lessons all over again.

Knitted Bindweed

The pattern should be up in the next couple of days. That's a little late (again) but it's a lot to write out.