a knitting pattern for alder leaves a free knitting pattern for daffodils a knitting pattern for blossom

June 2016

After years of ignoring it, and six months of using a stack of loft boards for a coffee table, I'm finally sorting out my attic.

lofty ambitions

I'm buying enough water-proof, damp-proof, insect-proof bags to store the bulk of my stash up there. If anything will inspire me to knit with the old stuff, it's making it awkward to get to.


Still Here

Yes I am still here, and because I haven't been keeping my blog up to date you're all going to get a super long update from me now.

I began filling my loft with esoteric kitchen equipment and bulk bought toy stuffing, but rather got put off spending time up there when I discovered the ~mystery hole~ behind some old cardboard boxes.

mystery hole

Basically I share the upstairs of a building with my neighbour. Our lofts are separated by thick plaster board, at least they're supposed to be. At some point an unknown person cut a hole in the boarding. It's about a meter high, half that across and someone has put a bit of old carpet across the beam to make it more comfortable to crawl through. My first thought was “that's a fire hazard” shortly followed by “Oh God, I'm going to get serial killed.”

Loft organisation is on hold while I try to buy, beg or borrow some plasterboard and a toolkit. Meanwhile I stacked some junk in front of the hole which will make a lot of noise to shift. When I told the ladies at work their helpful suggestions imply they've all seen “Home Alone” a few too many times.


This month I've mostly been thinking about the double knitting technique. I adore it, but it does have some limitations. Mostly it's frustrating that any patterns I design with words in have a very obvious front and back.

marvel logo reversed marvel logo

(Yes, I'm knitting myself a Marvel scarf.)

Like others on the internet I came to the conclusion that mixing areas of double knitting and rib stitch would allow me to knit different patterns on different sides of the fabric. Also like others on the internet I found that trying to follow two charts at once (and in opposite directions) is a bit of a mindbender.

My solution was to combine the two separate charts into one before I began knitting. It's easy enough if you take it step by step as I've detailed here.

Yes, all this double knitting talk is a long way of saying that I don't have a pattern this month, just a right up on this technique that I've quickly become obsessed by. Also that some irregular double knitting charts will be going up soon.

Currently I'm knitting my feelings on UK political shenanigans, which can be summed up nicely by this UGH scarf, with optional MEH.

ugh and meh scarf

(Lookit! Different words on different sides!!!)


Step One Complete

I carried the boards up the ladder and laid them out. Surprisingly few spiders. I'm having to use fairy lights to see by, because I can't find an extension cord for the lamp.