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March 2014

I promised not to talk about the weather, and have been reduced to bad puns as a result.

March knitting patterns

I'm sorry.

Not really.


I'm Still Here

Well I have just been incredibly unmotivated this month haven't I!

Good news is I have a small egg knitting pattern that is going up later today, a jogless knitting tutorial in the planning stages, a large egg knitting pattern that will go up just as soon as I've taken a photo, and maybe even a daffodil pattern if I get around to it.

You know overwhelming amounts of stuff to do is how I get unmotivated in the first place.


Spheres to Egg Shapes

I need a knitting pattern for an egg shape. I'm sure I've seen knitted eggs before and I could probably find free instructions online but I want to make my own pattern so I can use and adapt it at will.

I'm going to start with a sphere because I already know how to knit them (I really should get around to writing up the maths I use one day). The diagram below shows the sphere in cross-section. I'm going to stretch the bottom half of the sphere a little by adding a few extra rows. The top section will be stretched so it is half again as tall by adding in more blank rows. The asymmetrical stretching will form the egg shape.

Egg Shape Plan

That's the plan anyway. Generally all stuffed items tend to the round and I'm not sure there will be enough shaping in my egg to make it look like an egg without some careful squishing.