candy cane decoration crown decoration ship decoration star decoration

December 2012

I spent all week trying to think of a good festive knitting pun. In the end I gave up and used this one.

o holey knit

Geddit? Geddit? Geddit?


As Promised

I started with the gold on gold ball because that was my favourite. I added a knitted bead and a tassel.

gold bauble on twigs

Pretty stylish no? I also worked out a smaller knitted bead and used that and another tassel on the next two balls.

three finished baubles on spruce branch

I really should stop knitting things in bright red, my camera really hates it.

When I was decorating the last ball something a bit strange happened. I embroidered a pattern on the knitted bead. The pattern turned into a crown. I knitted a miniature bead dangle. The dangle turned into a foot. In the end I knitted my bauble a head, two feet, two arms and ended up with a tubby little king type figure.

king like bauble on twigs

(He does have two hands but one of them is dangling out of site.)


Last Post of the Year

So this is it, the last hour of the last day of the year. It's been quite eventful since my last update. Among other things I survived the apocalypse. The good news is that if you're reading this, you did as well.

I've not been doing much knitting over Christmas. Mostly because I've been staying with my parents and I forgot to bring knitting supplies. It's been dreadful. Without knitting needles to fill them my hands have been feeding me chocolate and nibbles to excess.

Yesterday I retrieved my needles on the way to the cinema (The Hobbit – Ori had an adorable taste in knitwear). Since then I've completed my mixed bauble making. I'll have to put pictures up tomorrow because I've also forgotten my camera.




No that's not a typo, that's what I'm calling it now.




Well, you get the point.

I'm not really much of an embroiderer. Sewing just isn't my thing. Knitting is my thing and sewing/embroidery is what you do to it afterwards to make it look like the picture in your head.

That said, I sometimes enjoy a bit of free form embroidery (embroideroidery ), it's like doodling with thread.

I've been decorating my plain baubles. The sewing's not neat, or even, I don't know the names for most of the stitches and a lot of what I did I unpicked. Whenever I attempt something like this my mother tells me that I'm not being scruffy, I'm being artistic. I usually choose to believe her.

embroidered baubles

Not the best photo but you get the gist. I'm most pleased with the gold on gold bauble, once I make that up with a tassel or knitted bead I think it will look quite luxurious.

Next I'm going to adjust the knitting pattern to make the baubles more exciting. Cables anyone?


Having a Ball

Right, that's it, we've had my birthday, Christmas can now officially begin. The tree goes up tomorrow and the presents will follow shortly.

Today I've been knitting baubles. Plain spheres are pretty simple (First law of 3D knitting: anything you stuff tends to the round.) so I've knitted a few to get me started. I'm going to jazz them up a bit with some embroidery.

basic baubles


Writing is Hard

So finally, FINALLY, I have updated the design section with a how to knit right-angled triangles page. It took me days of drafting, redrafting, tweaking and starting again. Chuck had it right – Writing is hard.