Crowley Keyring Buddy
Below is a description of the colour changes and accessories I used for this keyring buddy based on the standard pattern.
MATERIALS: This was knitted with 6 different colours, peach (flesh tone), red orange (hair), gold (eyes), black (jacket), dark blue (jeans/tie), grey (shirt). I'm not sure you can even see all the colours in the photo, but they're there.
ARMS AND LEGS: The legs are knitted with black until the loop stitches have been picked up, then changing to dark blue. The arms are knitted with peach until the loop stitches have been picked up, then changing to black.
HEAD: Knitted in peach.
BODY: Knit one rectangular body but make it slightly thinner by casting on 16 sts instead of 18 sts. The first three rounds are dark blue, next twelve are black, last three are dark grey.
ACCESSORIES: Knit one jacket in black. Cast on in red orange as per the instructions for the hair piece, but then work one extra knit row and one extra purl row before continuing with the rest of the pattern (for the quiff).
SEWING: Starting at the seam at the top of the body use duplicate stitch to embroider a grey coloured triangle that will represent the open neck of the waistcoat. The rows are 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 1 (upside down) stitches across as per the diagram.

With knit stitches outwards, sew the edges of the hair piece to the head. Allow the extended cast on edge to stick out from the face slightly. I also bulked up the quiff by wrapping it with a few extra stitches. Add some tiny embroidery sideburns. Embroider two french knots in gold, about two and a half stitches apart, to make the eyes.
Sew the coat to the body, then attach the arms, legs and head.
The tie is embroidered in dark blue. First make a v-shape for the neck with two large stitches, then make the tail by looping a third stitch around the join.

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