Aziraphale Keyring Buddy
Below is a description of the colour changes and accessories I used for this keyring buddy based on the standard pattern.
MATERIALS: This was knitted with 7 different colours, peach (flesh tone), cream (hair and shirt), beige (jacket), mid brown (suit), dark brown (eyes), red orange (shoes) and gold (bow tie). This number of colours can absolutely be reduced but it was imporant to me that there were common colours between Aziraphale and Crowley which is why Aziraphale's shoes match Crowley's hair and his bow tie matches Crowley's eyes.
ARMS AND LEGS: Shorten the legs and arms slightly by reducing the last nine i-cord repeats in the pattern to eight. The legs are knitted with red-orange until the loop stitches have been picked up, then changing to mid brown. Arms are knitted in a peach to the pick up, then beige.
HEAD: Knitted in peach.
BODY: Knit the rectangular body in mid brown. I made it slightly short by working straight for 16 rounds instead of 18.
ACCESSORIES: Knit one mid-length open coat in beige, one hair piece in cream, and one bow tie in gold.
SEWING: Starting at the seam at the top of the body use duplicate stitch to embroider a cream coloured triangle that will represent the open neck of the waistcoat. The rows are 3, 3, 3, 1, and 1 stitches across as per the diagram.

Sew the hair piece to the head with the purl side out. I Added a few random loopy stitches around the fringe to give the impression of curliness. Embroider two french knots in brown, about two and a half stitches apart, to make the eyes.
Sew the coat to the body, then attach the arms, legs, head and bowtie in any order you like.
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