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Are You a Geek or a Nerd?
Either Way, It Could Be Good for Your Health.

Guest article by Maria Cannon.


Photo courtesy Pixabay by Pexels

Are you a geek or a nerd? The debate over what hobbies and interests fall into each of these two categories has been raging for decades. These two words – "geek" and "nerd" – are used almost interchangeably within modern society to refer to two very similar (perhaps even overlapping) types of people, and yet hardly anyone seems to agree on one standard definition for either word.

This widespread debate has been going on for so long, it has even prompted at least one mathematician to create a scientific formula attempting to define, once and for all, the differences between a true "geek" and a "nerd". (Hint: You might be shocked to see where you fall on the sliding scale.)

Is the definition of what is geeky versus nerdy finally settled then? Probably not. It appears that some of us may just have to agree to disagree on whether a love for Star Trek is "geeky" or "nerdy".

All disagreements and debates aside, surely there's one thing we can all agree on: the fact that hobbies are good for your health. Yes, even the geeky and/or nerdy ones! Don't believe me? Keep reading to find out more...

As scientists are starting to realize, our hobbies might be more than just a way to pass time. Modern research is showing that your hobbies might actually be healthy for you.

Here's a look at just a few of the benefits of having hobbies:

Emotional and Mental Health Benefits

Our hobbies can reduce our levels of stress, lowering levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Although it's not clear yet whether hobbies can have a positive benefit on our physical well-being as well as our mental and emotional health, what we do know is that high cortisol levels have been linked to a wide variety of health conditions.

In addition to reducing stress and lowering cortisol levels, hobbies are also good for our emotional and mental health, naturally reducing depression and anxiety.

Mental Fitness

As we focus our minds on a particular task, we naturally begin to improve our skills. The feelings of accomplishment gradually start to boost our self-esteem and confidence, helping us grow our social circle. Many hobbies challenge our brains, teach us new skills, and help us retain information. This stimulates the brain, improves memory, and may even help to reduce our chances of eventually developing conditions like Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia.

Addiction Recovery

As mentioned above, hobbies create a social circle – which can be especially important for those in addiction recovery, as it can act as a support system. Recovering addicts and alcoholics may also find that hobbies, allow them to focus their minds on tasks and channel their creativity, distracting themselves from addiction cravings and giving them new ways to manage stress and negative emotions.

At the end of the day, whether you classify yourself as a geek or a nerd doesn't really matter. Throw away the labels – but keep your hobbies! As it turns out, they might be really good for you after all...