Crinoid Columnal 08 (R2)

(A list of abbreviations is available.)
Cast on 36 sts.
- Round 1: k –
- Round 2: [{k1, p1} x 4, k1] x 4 (36)
- Round 3: [p2tog {k1, p1} x 2, k1, p2tog] x 4 (28)
- Round 4: [{p1, k1} x 3, p1] x 4 (28)
- Round 5: [k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog] x 4 (20)
- Round 6: k –
- Round 7: [k1, k2tog, k2tog] x 4 (12)
- Round 8: [k1, k2tog] x 4 (8)
Thread yarn through remaining stitches.
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